YEP Letters: January 10

Dominic Lipinski/PA WireDominic Lipinski/PA Wire
Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire
Check out today's YEP letters

Underground is the only solution

John Dyson, Moortown

I enjoyed Saturday’s In My View column by Neil Hudson, and cannot agree more that our city’s only feasible transport solution is an underground system. All that’s required is to commission one of London’s huge Crossrail tunnelling machines and away we go.

Once the traffic loop has been diverted from in front of the Queen’s Hotel the enlarged pedestrianised area would house the main entrance to the system. With some forward planning the initial linking infrastructure to City Square and South Bank could be fashioned during our upcoming £500m railway station refurbishment.

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As in London, our new tube would only need to remain underground where necessary, mainly within the proposed Clean Air Zone, and could then join existing overground lines.

I do wonder which will happen first though – our underground, or Neil’s prediction that aliens will land. Perhaps the aliens will be flying pigs.

Rail fares rise adds insult to injury in north

Bob Buxton, Yorkshire Party.

WHY must Yorkshire suffer from this blanket increase in rail fares when the imbalance in investment between London and Yorkshire is so great?

Remember, the transport infrastructure spending per person in London is ten times greater than that in Yorkshire and yet fares still rise to astronomical levels.

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