Revealed - How much millennials spend a year on coffees, clothes and treats

Millennials spend more than £3,300 a year on average on takeaways, eating out, daily treats such as coffees, socialising and clothes, research has found.

The average annual bill comes to £3,312.72, a survey of 20 to 37-year-olds for Barclays found.

Millennials in the North East of England spent the most on clothes, shoes and accessories each month at £92.04 on average, while those in the East of England spent the least at £45.23.

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Those in the North East also spent the most on daily treats such as coffees (£75.83 per month), while those in Yorkshire and the Humber spent the least at £28.92.

People in the South West spent the most each month on socialising (£103.81 on average), while those in the East Midlands spent the least at £48.91.

People in London spent the most each month on takeaways (£57.48) and eating out (£78.11).

Millennials in Yorkshire and the Humber spent the least on takeaways (£34.77) and those in the North East spend the least on eating out (£48.60).

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Those in Scotland had the highest monthly spend on memberships, such as gyms, sports clubs and cinema (£64.78), while those in the South West spent the least at £21.53.

Two-thirds (67%) of the 2,000 people surveyed feel they do not save enough, or anything at all.

Of those regularly saving, the average amount was £159.89 a month.

Three-quarters (75%) of those surveyed would be willing to make short-term compromises on spending to fund long-term life goals such as buying a home, going on a luxury holiday or buying a car.

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Millennials in Wales and Northern Ireland were particularly keen to do this, with 85% willing to make short-term compromises.

Clare Francis, director of savings and investments at Barclays, suggested people wanting to save more should consider swapping treats for more cost-effective options rather than giving them up completely.

She said: “Think swap, not sacrifice. That could mean making yourself a coffee in the office once a week, or inviting friends over every now and then instead of going out.”

Here are some tips from Pete Brooks, head of behavioural finance at Barclays, for balancing spending and saving:

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1. Having a goal in mind makes saving simpler. As you see your savings pot grow, so will your excitement for the goal ahead.

2. Consider telling friends and family about your savings goal to help you keep your resolve and provide extra support if your willpower wanes.

3. Work out what triggers your discretionary spending so you can avoid the situation. This could be by changing your daily route so you do not go past a cafe that always tempts you to splurge, or saying no to situations where you know you will spend more than you are comfortable with.

4. Start by making one or two spending changes and slowly add to them as they become a habit.

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5. Do not cut out everything you enjoy. For example, try combining paid-for individual gym classes with free activities like a local running club.

6. Try setting a standing order up so when you get paid some of it instantly goes into a separate savings pot, keeping it safely set aside for future goals.

7. Make the most of accounts which could boost your savings goals. For example, if you are saving for a first home consider a Help to Buy Isa.