Safety key in RFL’s blueprint for league return of players and fans

Emerald Headingley Stadium. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.comEmerald Headingley Stadium. Picture: Allan McKenzie/
Emerald Headingley Stadium. Picture: Allan McKenzie/
The Rugby Football League says protocols for players’ safe return to club training are imminent and they have also started examining how to socially-distance fans once they are allowed to watch games again.

As it continues towards an aim of resuming the sport in August, the governing body’s chief regulatory officer Karen Moorhouse explained plans are in place to ensure it is ready to act swiftly when the government decrees.

Initially, though, a clinical advisory group, which includes RFL chief medical officer and England doctor Chris Brookes plus Hull KR doctor Gemma Phillips, has held detailed discussions on how to restart training following coronavirus.

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They will meet again tonight to confirm recommended protocols and they could be circulated to clubs as early as Tuesday so players – out of action since March – can begin to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Moorhouse, who will also lead a restart group’s first meeting this week, says the RFL has been pleased with how plans are shaping up.

She said: “DCMS and Government have issued a joint five-stage process to get sport back going.

“The first was training in small groups, the second was full-contact group training, thirdly behind closed doors domestically, fourth was behind closed doors with a cross-border element and the fifth was getting back to sport as we know it – with crowds.

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“We’ve a draft for return to play in circulation which covers stages one and two, and covers us through full-contact sessions.

Karen Moorhouse. Picture: SWpix.comKaren Moorhouse. Picture:
Karen Moorhouse. Picture:

“It’s all about making sure we have measures in place to protect everyone. That’s everything from sanitised environments, cleaning venues, social distancing where it’s required, appropriate testing for players and monitoring any symptoms and protocol if we do have any positive results.