Exclusive: Leeds hospital trust’s crackdown on £20,000-a-day ‘bed blocking’ issue fails spectacularly

A plan to halve the number of Leeds patients taking up hospital beds when they are fit enough to be discharged has failed dramatically – with ‘bed blocking’ figures actually rising.

The six-week crackdown on the ‘delayed transfer of care’ of patients, known as bed blocking, at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTH) has resulted in an increase, raising serious concerns over its ability to cope with winter pressures.

Hospital chiefs claim that the actions needed “are more complex than first thought”.

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The latest figures show that in October 3,049 delayed days, when a patient takes up a hospital bed despite being well enough to leave, were incurred by the trust – equating to around 100 per day at a cost of at least £20,000 every day.