Five reasons to buy Tuesday's Yorkshire Evening Post

Pick up tomorrow's Yorkshire Evening Post featuring the very best in news and sport.

HOW PEOPLE POWER BUILT OUR HOSPICES: To mark the 40th anniversaries of St Gemma’s and Wheatfields hospices in Leeds - we’re running a series looking at the impact they have made on the city. Tomorrow Joanna Wardill goes back to when it all began 40 years ago.

LEEDS LEISURE CENTRE STAFF ARE LIFESAVING HEROES: A man who was brought back to life by leisure centre staff when his heart stopped has thanked the people who saved him.

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PEAKE PRACTICE: Actress Maxine Peake talks brickbats as she doles out the gags in Funny Cow.

LEEDS UNITED: Latest news from Elland Road as build up kicks off towards the Yorkshire derby clash with Barnsley.

WIN: Competition to win £500 worth of bikes and VIP tickets to the Tur de Yorkshire.